Empowered by Cathy, LLC

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Living Up to the Sound of Your Voice

Happy Sunday Lovers, I recently had a conversation with one of my soul sistas and in the conversation she mentioned hating the sound of her voice. She too was from a blended family and started listing all the things that were wrong. I shared with her it’s taken me some getting use to hearing the sound of my own voice. I played the seen but not heard girl for many years. We play many roles that dilute who we are. I played the second wife, the bonus mom, the will I ever measure up role, the evil step mom, the side chick, the baby momma, or second baby momma. I’ve played the black sheep. I’ve played the bitch. I’ve played the tough, but dying inside, I've played the victim. After years of this drama, I got tired of participating and trying to fit in a box that was not labeled “Queen” or "child of God" plain and simple.

When you identify with who you are, you realize the only label that matters is the one that truly honors the epitome of who you are. The truth of you are you.  The innocence of who you are.  Until then, you will rationalize with others opinions of you. It’ll play over and over in your head. Not what or who people know you to be, not what others have heard, but who you truly are...even the becoming. Things always settle down when you find or fix your crown. When you start taking care of you, when you stop and listen to the divine.  When you come to know I can be all those things but I’m actually way more. Things change quickly. But that’s because you’ve changed your mindset of you therefore mindset of all things change 👑 #queentalk

It took me a long time to shake off people’s perceptions of me. A long time to stop believing who they thought I was. A long time to realize I'm good. I'm great. I'm beautiful. I'm worthy.

When you’re not quite sure of who you are that can be really tricky. Cause not only will you try to convince others you’ll be trying to convince you too.

There’s going to come a time when people get the wrong idea of you, know it’s not your job to change, convince or persuade them. Sometimes it’s not even about you but the space you occupy that people can be uncomfortable with. It is your job to make sure you love you enough to drown out the noise. How to drown out the noise you say, remember you are created in the reflection of the divine. To stand in your truth. To be still. To reflect and say why does this affect me so much? Answer yourself honestly and gently. To honor the person you are. 

Lovers, speak up even when your voice trembles. Speak up until you recognize that the sound of your voice has power. Maybe you didn’t recognize your own strength at one point which is why you may not like the way it sounds. I encourage you to find your shout. Turn to what God thinks of you. He knows your frame. Everything about you is beautiful including the sound of your voice.