Empowered by Cathy, LLC

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This is Us

Ever do something you weren’t too quite sure about? Trusting someone to guide you that you’ve only met any a few hrs prior but based off incredible energy and a strong gut feeling you went.
You didn’t know all the details but you decided why not?
You knew it would stretch you even though it was something you’ve never done or ever tried before.

This is us. Hubby & I
Candid pic taken by Stefanie Dohrmann: During our guided meditation & yoga @ 2,195 ft (669 meters) above sea level in Cape Town South Africa circa 2016 this is what we did for our honeymoon. I had always wanted to go hiking. Due to inclement weather in NY every time we planned on going it just never happened.

What I didn’t know was how high we’d be hiking...oh and than there’s that fear of heights I have. But I was sold with the “idea” of yoga at the top of a mountain. Sometimes all the details will block some amazing experiences and memories. While you think you’re making an informed decision your yes indicators may be triggered by fear.

At times our skepticism hurts and robs us from living and steals what could be an amazing picturesque LIFE. Sometimes I can’t even believe some of the things I’ve done.
Having audacious hope in the possibly that you can live a life outside of the confines of what is regular is so dope.

Husband & Wife Yoga Lions Head Mountain Cape Town South Africa June 2016

TRUTH MOMENT: I was terrified, cold and completely AWARE that I was on the tippy top of a mountain, at the edge doing yoga. Like Stefanie literally had us doing all types of yoga poses. I felt ever hair follicle moving in the winds. I was almost embarrassed by how anxious I was and how calm both Kurt and Stefanie was. But I have no regrets. I’m glad I didnt know all the details. I hold these memories with me. Every time I see these pictures I’m amazed by them. Almost as if this isn’t even a picture of me. So grateful for this moment and all the feelings. ALL of them.
Who needs filters when you’re taking risks and really living life through the good, the bad, the scary, the unimaginable and incredible unexplainable experiences.

Lovers live your life. Say yes more. Take chances. Live in the moment. Life is too short to say no to everything.