Cleansing the Body, Revives the Spirit


We all need that fresh start whether starting or continuing our health and wellness journey. Maybe you just had a baby. Maybe you're feeling a heaviness and like you need an invigorating energy boost, or want to clear your skin. Doing a cleanse or a detox is a great way to do that.  Many of us work ourselves like machines. Constantly going and going. But even the machine needs maintenance.

We are full body beings. We are not machines. We are cells and our cells need to detox in order to be properly feed and nurtured.

Our bodies do so much for us, many things in which we don't even realize.  Consider a cleanse or detox. It is like resetting and bringing our bodies back to life. It’s allowing our bodies to flourish, to self heal. It’s required to live and maintain a vital life.

Start your detox with the Divine Soul Juicing. A guide to juicing filled with delicious recipes to start your day and incorporate in your wellness journey.

Desiring to dive deeper?! The Divine Soul Fast awaits you. It’s a 10 Day prompting fast that incorporates juicing.

This is a spiritual fine tuning. It's 10 Days of deep reflection and allows you to reset. The Number 10 represents completion, perfect. Number 10 is known as a symbol of the authority of God and his government on the Earth. There is so much power and direction given in scripture around the number 10. Explore the endless possibilities and your magic in manifesting with this Divine Soul Fast.
