Choose Your Happy
Once you choose, there is a domino effect, a pull or attraction that begins to happen from that choice or set of choices made.
Sometimes you have to ask yourself how much happiness do I think I deserve? What can I do to get there? You can pick up habits like second hand smoke only it isn’t second hand smoke we think it is because of we may think we picked up these habits and are products of our environment. We’ve been bred to believe this which is equally as cancerous like negativity, sadness, thoughts of lack. We think, “this is my life so I’ll live it the way it is". I’ll complain, make excuses, make my excuses my story because they are really good at validating why I am negative, complain and feel stuck.
I gave myself permission to seek positivity, to seek change. I craved being a happier and an overall healthier person so I decided to spend more time with people who reflected that. I know that energy flows where energy goes and I was determined!
I’m in Indianapolis with someone who is my closest friend and also my life partner. He just got a new job a month ago after being given the option of being demoted after over 10yrs of service, while we already planned, prayed for and decided I would leave my corporate position and go full time with my passion of helping people live life full out. This is us canceling fear. While we were in Mexico reaping some fruits of our hard work he was waiting on a call about this new position he got the call not for what he wanted but my husband is a man of God so he trusted (not settled) TRUSTED.
I probably shouldn’t be here. Things have been tight we are selling our condo...again after our first buyers back out of the sale, we have 4 children collectively with 1 in college and another going into her senior year.
I probably shouldn’t be here! I probably shouldn’t be empowered. I probably shouldn’t be smiling and still feeling amazing. I probably shouldn’t have the energy I do to check in with my Fit Fam to extend a hand and recognize the people who are living healthier fulfilling lives. We made a promise that we’d both ride in the passenger seat and be guided and trust the process.
I share this because many people think you can ONLY be happy when everything is going great. We’re happy because everything has already been written. The path to get there may not always seem like rays of sunshine but that’s okay because we need the rain to continue blooming.
"I gave myself permission to seek positivity, to seek change. I craved being a happier and an overall healthier person so I decided to spend more time with people who reflected that."