Posts tagged marriage

Not the best lighting for this B girl buttt I still love what hubby has on lol.

So many people ask us how we first met. People always want to know our story. Long story long... lol we went to grade school together. I’ve loved Kurt since I was a little younger than our first child together. I was 12-13 and I had a school girl crush on him. We shortly became bf/gf after that.

About 2 yrs later he would move to FL and we’d completely lose touch.

I remember sending him letters while he was in FL and I never got a letter back. SO we did what anyone would do, we both moved on with our lives.

I had heard around town that he was back but I hadn’t seen him and I didn’t ask about him. I wondered for a short while but never entertained the subject. We were finished. That was the past. I have to admit I was over the fact that he never tried to reach out to me. And besides we were both different ppl by than and had moved on.


Fast forward to 8 long years later, a marriage, two children, a separation I heard once after relocating once again he was back in town. A cousin of mine, said hey Kurts back in town…I immediately responded what that have to do with me? She said I’m going to give him a call maybe we can grab a bite to eat…I entertained it and said whatever why not. She called. He answered lol I hear her say as I’m walking around the house I have a surprise for you someone you might recognize and my eyes bug out and I’m like I don’t want to talk to him…hands phone over and I kid you not from hello he has me cracking up. Nonstop laughing. I wasn’t ready for all that I had a long day dealing with a my past and you sometimes when you don’t even want to laugh, like let me be upset and in my emotions. Nope. We did some catching up, me mostly laughing. That night the three of us went out to eat. I literally made my mind up that evening I had to be done with an abusive and mentally draining relationship. I cant remember laughing this much in so long.

No one knew how chaotic my relationship was until that day while at dinner. I remember being totally mortified that on the first day since we’ve seen each other in years here I am nestled in drama. But something struck me when towards the end of our dinner he said I hope you’re not going back with dude. I literally wanted to slide out the booth and disappear I don’t even remember what my response was but I remember what his following words were, “if ever you need something to take your mind off that... call me, no attachments, just as a friend”. We can go out to eat, whatever or we could just talk…just not that. While this gesture was beautiful, in my mind I thought I’d never call Kurt again, esp not for dinner or to hang out alone. I was not looking for a relationship, he had two small children that he was sole caretaker for. I thought I don’t even trust this guy... in front of me was the first guy who broke my heart and left me so many years ago.

Fastforward to our first official date :p I remember him bringing up stories about his life while living in FL, stating that no one contacted him, he felt abandoned...I learned that he went against his will. Found out mid school yr that his family had made the decision to move to FL but to send him first. I let him go on and at that point I said wait I wrote you...he looked puzzled and responded I would’ve remembered you writing me. I stated I wrote you several times and never got a response and I sent one last letter saying I was moving on and that I’d wait if he wrote back.
He never got my letters. For years I wondered why he never wrote me back.

It’s no telling that when something is for you whether it’s a love, a job, a home, a goal, a dream if it is meant for you it will always be yours....

No matter time, distance, other relationships or situations ect it does not matter.

A few months ago while at a Master Mind Seminar together hundreds of us did an exercise... the room was separated into two groups my group had their eyes closed, Kurt’s group had to walk around the room and tell someone something you’ve always needed to hear or something you know someone needs to hear.

I nearly fell out when I heard someone whisper “I never forgot about you” eyes still closed tears started rolling. I never realized how much I or my younger self needed to hear those words.

So thank you for always saying the things I need to hear even when I don’t realize how much I need it. How much it will change the direction of my life.

Thank you for being just a stand up guy. A God fearing man. A man who works hard, and is cool AF and can be entirely who you are wherever you are in any given circumstance.

Thank you for growing with me through this journey and loving and honoring me in each stage of our journey together.

So happy I get to do life with you.

Choose Your Happy

Once you choose, there is a domino effect, a pull or attraction that begins to happen from that choice or set of choices made.

Sometimes you have to ask yourself how much happiness do I think I deserve? What can I do to get there? You can pick up habits like second hand smoke only it isn’t second hand smoke we think it is because of we may think we picked up these habits and are products of our environment. We’ve been bred to believe this which is equally as cancerous like negativity, sadness, thoughts of lack. We think, “this is my life so I’ll live it the way it is". I’ll complain, make excuses, make my excuses my story because they are really good at validating why I am negative, complain and feel stuck.

I gave myself permission to seek positivity, to seek change. I craved being a happier and an overall healthier person so I decided to spend more time with people who reflected that. I know that energy flows where energy goes and I was determined!

I’m in Indianapolis with someone who is my closest friend and also my life partner. He just got a new job a month ago after being given the option of being demoted after over 10yrs of service, while we already planned, prayed for and decided I would leave my corporate position and go full time with my passion of helping people live life full out. This is us canceling fear. While we were in Mexico reaping some fruits of our hard work he was waiting on a call about this new position he got the call not for what he wanted but my husband is a man of God so he trusted (not settled) TRUSTED.

I probably shouldn’t be here. Things have been tight we are selling our condo...again after our first buyers back out of the sale, we have 4 children collectively with 1 in college and another going into her senior year.

I probably shouldn’t be here! I probably shouldn’t be empowered. I probably shouldn’t be smiling and still feeling amazing. I probably shouldn’t have the energy I do to check in with my Fit Fam to extend a hand and recognize the people who are living healthier fulfilling lives. We made a promise that we’d both ride in the passenger seat and be guided and trust the process.

I share this because many people think you can ONLY be happy when everything is going great. We’re happy because everything has already been written. The path to get there may not always seem like rays of sunshine but that’s okay because we need the rain to continue blooming.


"I gave myself permission to seek positivity, to seek change. I craved being a happier and an overall healthier person so I decided to spend more time with people who reflected that."