Walk by Faith
When I share my story about leaving my corporate job after 11 yrs at the company worked for some of my co-workers grew into family. Granted they knew all of my children by name and held my youngest when he was only a few months old. Left a completely familiar and comfortable situation to build my business as a full time holistic wellness coach to help heal others on their mind body and fit soul journey...they ask me how and at what point did I know it was time. It was an end to a chapter of driving to work crying because I simply felt unfulfilled. Where I didn't feel intelligent or being used to create more. It was simply time. It was actually something in my mind I had planned for 7 years and year after year of not listening to my heart, I felt more and more anguish. But while I sit back and think I left I truly left on Gods time. I needed to go through those tough days to truly appreciate this new chapter in my life.
I walked away with FAITH. I wake up with FAITH. I work faithfully.
I want to share with all my fellow goddesses if what you’ve been doing something, or who you’ve been with someone whois pulling you further away from your life's assignment, taking you out of alignment. If you’re experiencing a tug or war situation between your happiness and your purpose..
Walk away from it. RUN if you have to.
Whether you’re;
Full of fear
Full of excuses
Eyes full of tears
Heart broken
Grief stricken
Guilt ridden
Walk away. Run if you have to. Run away from what no longer makes you feel good, feel whole and run towards all the things that light you up from the inside out. Run towards what truly brings joy in your life and in the life of others.
namaste Cathleen
When you are in alignment with who you are called to be, your entire being will emulate a certain energy. When you find yourself smiling, that is you being birthed from all the tears ~ Cathleen Benjamin