Moms Take The Trip
Moms need a break y’all. After this pandemic, (that’s still happening btw) quarantining, distance / virtual learning with their kids for a year, endless emails from their kids’ schools about every single thing that happens in a day to keep everyone fully informed and present as if it was a normal school year. We are all exhausted.
I thank God for the partner, best friend, a husband that I have. When it comes to our kids there are no gender rules. It’s all hand on deck. 100/100.
My husband pretty much packed my bags for me when I told him about a quick girls trip I was invited to. Grateful for that. I was so weary leaving my 21 months old but daddy got it. He’s so good y’all.
I couldn’t stop hugging hun when I got home. It hasn’t always been like this. That’s a whole mother blog for another day. Marriage is hard but a lot of us make things more difficult than they need to be.
Here are some simple tips you can start doing today that will have you feeling amazing and conquering your day.
Stretch before you go to bed.
Stretching before bed relaxes you. You get all the kinks out from your day. It increases flexibility. Helps you get a good night’s restful sleep. Stretching relieves your body of tightness. And it feels so so good.
Drink your favorite cup of tea before bed.
This is also a way to relax. A hot cup of tea always relaxes me and makes me go slower. Can’t gulp down a cup of tea. It’s just you, your thoughts, and a cup of tea. Best time to grab a notebook or journal to capture those million-dollar ideas.
Wake up early when the house is quiet to pray, journal, and meditate.
We all need more time. If we make the effort to wake up earlier each morning we already giving ourselves a leg up from the rest of the world. I love it when it’s dark and I rise before the sun. It’s hard in the beginning especially for new moms, nursing moms, etc but the benefits are endless. I feel like I get so much done when I wake up before my husband and children.
Drink more water during the day.
Keeping yourself hydrated helps with weight management. Water keeps you hydrated and keeps your skin looking supple and beautiful. Your body needs more water. Did you know by the time your thirsty you’re already dehydrated? Drink up, Sis.
*Tip to get more water in throughout the day is to start from the moment you wake up.
Eat nutritious foods.
You can’t outwork bad eating habits. Eating nutritious foods manages your weight, keeps you energized. If you’re feeling, bloated, keep like your brain is fuzzy, feeling irritable all the time. It’s time you start changing up your eating. Whether it’s portion control, IF, or whatever your choice eat according to your goals. Most importantly eat real food. Here’s my favorite on to go healthy superfoods protein shake
Exercise 4-5+ days a week.
Staying active is the best medicine for your mind body and spirit. It’s the healthiest pick-me-up our bodies could ask for. Don’t know where to start? Time to get yourself a coach/accountability partner. Here are great tools that I set up my fit sisters and clients with, tools that will keep you strong healthy, and learning how to eat according to your goals in no time. Click to enroll and join my Fit Fam
Plan ahead for your day/week.
Planning ahead allows you to keep on track. It helps you see what’s working and what isn’t. We all have more than enough hurdles and surprises that come our way during the week. If we could plan a day/week we can properly pivot and shift when needed without all the stress and energy it would take us if we didn’t plan. Also, mom-brain is a real thing. If it’s not in my notes/calendar it’s not happening. It’s just an idea. Here’s a dope empowering journal to get the juices going.
Check-in with yourself nightly.
checking in with yourself keeps you honest and accountable about your tasks, assignments, projects, and goals. It brings the awareness back to self and allows you to pinpoint areas that need more time and work.
Queens put you back on your to-do list. Join my Virtual Feel Good BootCamp
Your sistar in wellness,
XO Cathy