Just Keep Swimming
“when did I become THAT MOM that pushes her children to do endless amount of activities to stimulate their growth and social skills or because we want them to excel at something they take a liking to and not lead by example”
Hey Beautiful People
I did it on Saturday that is :)
For a little over a year my kids have been taking swim lessons. One day on my daughters make up class. They told me they pair her up with a class above her level because that’s all they had. I watched her do things on the first try in her swim class. Her make up instructor waved over to ask what level she was in and learned she was two levels below and was doing what was asked of her. (I guess she does listen🙄)
POWER UP REMINDER: Believe it or not if you put yourself in a position to listen, observe and allow yourself to be coachable then you're in allow yourself to learn and attain knowledge no matter how “advanced” others seem to be around you.
But heres where I come into the scenario. As moms we pride ourselves on the activities our children do. Hear me out...Whether it be a soccer mom, track mom, baseball mom, swim or football mom...but that day as I watched her I had to take a step back and say when did I become THAT MOM that pushes her children to do endless amount of activities to stimulate their growth and social skills or because we want them to excel at something they take a liking to and not lead by example?
We put our children in activities because we know the end results and we believe in their greatness! I thought to myself I don't know how to swim to save my life. And I’ve always I’ve always wanted to learn how but I signed up my kids first...WHY is that? It wasn’t even like they asked. It was offered at the gym so I signed up our two younger children because the older two knew how and one was taking swim in school. Meanwhile I put me last...yet again cause that’s what we moms do right?
The same girl that loves the water, the same girl that literally hears waves speaking and calling her. The water-bearer.
Today I did it!!! I chose to lead. EXCITED, a little scared but willing to be coachable and try new things! Even after my lesson was over I practiced. We should want more for ourselves especially as mothers and caregivers. I was so ecstatic and nervous of course because it’s something new. It’s something I really want to excel at and maybe I feel like why did I wait so long to learn. But all those thoughts went out the window the minute I got into the water. I was thinking I wonder what people would think than I thought wait WHO CARES!
This time next year I won’t be just loving the idea of going to the beach and actually go into water. It’ll be a thing in the past that I watch my kids fearfully as they are fearless in the water. Maybe I won’t be that mother if they go too far in I won’t be screaming at the top of their lungs panicking (because I can’t save them)
2018 has been the dopest year thus far!!! I have taken leaps of faith like you wouldn’t believe. I’ve bet on me more than ever. I have taken so many chances and have just done a lot of things differently to say the least. This is MY YEAR!
Your coach...your soul sista...this beach lover...is about to FINALLY learn how to swim. I don’t expect it to be a quick process because letting go of fear can be a challenge but I’m so ready to lean in on the professionals and hope not to be a crazy student.
Cheers to truly living your life not just for social media but to really lead a life and lifestyle that you yourself can admire. Also show that all things are possible as long as you believe in you and take the necessary steps to keep living, and growing and never stop learning. 😘