Posts in parenting
A fed baby, is a happy baby
2 month old Aria-Soleil

2 month old Aria-Soleil

First of all pat yourself on the back! This ain’t easy. After healing from a c-section, this has to be the hardest and most rewarding part of the journey. Breastfeeding. It’s amazing to know that you are enough when it comes to providing nutrition for your baby. But it can also be very trying, tiring and frustrating. We all have different stories but one thing remains we want to know that baby’s getting enough. 

I had shared on both IG & Facebook that I was having some latching troubles I had in the beginning. A poor latch can really mess up your supply.  My village really swooped in and supported me. I also did much research and one day it just clicked. Baby girl latched with ease and no pain. I stopped stressing and pretty much let her do what her do her job. I also let go of the fear. Yes I was afraid of the pain that came with her latching once I let it go it went away.

Going from 1oz here and there in a 20-30min pump session to 5oz last month and now sometimes 8oz this month. I’ve definitely come a long way. Funny enough I knew I would. Was just really going through the motions and lets face it new moms go on emotional rollercoasters daily and sometimes don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel until we’re at the end of the tunnel.  I remember one day I was pumping while my husband was bottle feeding her breastmilk from the last of my small stash of breastmilk and while she was drinking one ounce I was racing to produce another ounce before she’d finish. Once she finished that 2nd ounce Im trying to race to pump another. It was a nightmare hearing her belt out hungry cries. It broke my heart. So that day after speaking to one of the nurses who took care of my baby who happen to find me on IG that same day. I ended up giving Baby Moon 🌙 formula because she was literally crying and screaming for food. I felt defeated and my nipples were so sore at one point cool and hot air hurt it.  So this is a real huge victory for me the stash that you see below.  While she only had formula for about a week or two and even then it was once or twice a day I still felt so guilty about it.  Not to shame moms who prefer formula but this was not my preference.  Not what I had planned for my baby.

So now I nurse when baby’s hungry. That can be every hr. Every 2-4hrs.  I pump while and in between feeds and have maintained this rhythm and plan to do so for as long as I have to.  I want to continue this stash for Baby Moon 🌙 and incorporate with her solids when the time comes.  

CAUTION: the holidays are here so stay away from peppermint. I’ve learned there are other things to stay clear of that will dry your milk ducts such as sage and of course alcoholic beverages. 

Here is a list of my go-tos with links for you to get what you need. These have helped me increase and keep a good milk supply. . Take a look at my lists on amazon to see some items not listed here that love and suggest.  Again these are suggestions that have worked for me and some of the moms I know who have shared some gems with me. So that are tried and tested. Please note that these suggestions are in no particular order.

  1. Healthy balanced eating regime - Grains, oats, healthy fats, proteins, and leafy greens

  2. I love my smoothies and shakes packed with vitamins, probiotics, adaptogens and all that good stuff my body needs (click on link to get yours)

  3. Flax seeds

  4. Sesame seeds

  5. Lots of water! You’ll be thirsty all the time anyway so drink up!! 

  6. Coconut water

  7. Mothers Milk Tea - I didn’t love the fenugreek maple syrup smell at first but hey it’s worth it! 

  8. Lactation cookies and treats.

  9. Brewers Yeast supplement 

  10. Nurse baby every 2hrs 

  11. Pump other breast while nursing your baby #everydropcounts 

  12. Should you choose not to pump while nursing you can hand express or place a bottle (haakaa) there to catch milk that lets down instead of wasting milk in breast pad

  13. Pump breast RIGHT AFTER baby feeds for10-15 mins (I do up to 20mins) to signal to your body more milk is needed 

  14. Power pumping 

  15. Stay positive

  16. Don’t give up

  17. Try not to stress too much 

  18. Try not to go more than 4 hrs without pumping / nursing

  19. Dry brushing! Yes your boobs. Brush in a downward motion while nursing / pumping helps with let down. Thanks mommy for this one. She actually told me to use a comb but since I don’t have many in my home I thought to use my dry brush while pumping and it worked. 

  20. Use a hot compress while pumping / nursing 

  21. Pump right after a warm/hot shower 

  22. Find support groups or Baby Cafes in your town (local or your delivering hospital should be able to provide you with a list) there are also groups on social media that are awesome 


And whether you nursed for a day, a month, 6months or a year. You are still your babys super hero. You’re doing a great job. 

Let me know if any of these have worked for you below in the comments.  Share with your mom community.  Takes a lot of pressure off when you have support.  This also builds your confidence. We mommas need all the help we can get from one another.  




You Belong Here... too
People believe the stories they tell themselves. This is I know to be true. And sometimes the stories we tell ourselves don’t o help us grow but stay stuck year after year.

Let’s talk about the over saturation of wellness coaches, fitness influencers, light workers, trainers, or even Beachbody coaches. Truth is over saturation doesn’t exist. When we have men & women dying and suffering in silence from illnesses that are preventable. Over saturation is a lie! When you know you sister and brother have a disease that she’s suffering from that can be CURED by the way she eats or moves her body daily. Over saturation is a lie! 

There is only one YOU. Only you can make your mark or tell YOUR story using your voice to inspire and empower others! #YOUBELONGHERE! We belong HERE! Black and brown people are the most UNDER represented in the health & wellness, fitness industry! We are PERIODT!

I represent and speak to the healing of ALL women. But when I see my sisters not put their health at priority it hurts.  Or when I hear my sisters speak and it is riddled with limiting beliefs it hurts.  I always have ppl say I don’t know how you do it, I don’t know how you make time with 4 kids (now Baby Moon 🌙) on the way!! I don’t know how your stay so consistent. I see the way you eat I could never do that! 


People believe the stories they tell themselves. This is I know to be true. And sometimes the stories we tell ourselves don’t o help us grow but stay stuck year after year. 

Today was a day of fun, power talks, smiles, encouragement and women who know who we are and why we’re here!  Especially when we join forces and see how many more faces should be here #representationmatters.  I was so honored to share space with a small population of Queens who are LEADING the pack!! 

Ladies I love showing you what workouts to do and how to eat, I’d love it even more to show you and build with you so you too can pay it forward to your community, your family, your friends. Because the work of teaching and helping others men & women how to take better care of this one body, temple that we have and changing the trajectory of our lives by doing so is work that can never be over saturated.  I’m inviting the first 10 women, couples to JOIN ME, to join us in #fitsoulrevolution. Comment below or Email me at for more info on how to lead with Me! 


You belong here love! I want you here right next to me front and center! There is a power house inside us all. Let’s tap into it! 

xo Cathy

Starting Over
Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”
~Meister Eckhart

Good Morning Beautiful People!! Happy Tuesday <3

Ever feel like you’re trying to put pieces together and not necessarily to create the masterpiece of your life but just to find some type of rhythm, balance, happiness and of course incorporate a healthier lifestyle? I have to say today I started over on my nutrition and workout program because last week was just a really tough week for me with me being sick majority of the week and unable to work out this week I just feel like I could just bring in a whole new, rejuvenated me.

Cheers to anyone here choosing to start over! I’m right there with you sister!! I’m here to remind you that we’re just building stronger foundations when doing so. There is no shame in seeing that you need to change the course, make a BOLDER commitment (to YOU), and this time maybe ditch those inconsistencies, regret, grief that the past decisions bring.

Something I’ve been reminded of and it keeps coming up is that “you are entirely up to you.” Your results, meeting your goals, your attitude towards well everything is TOTALLY up to you. This switches gears a bit for me and my clients when I remind them your win is entirely up to you staying in the game!!! Can’t stay in the game if you prefer watching on the sidelines and cheering on everyone else’s victory!

So I invite YOU to join me today or whenever you’re hear reading this. If you feel like you need to start over with your health and wellness, your fitness journey join me. This invite is for ALL women of ALL walks of life, moms, expecting moms all are welcome let’s do this together because I know that there’s some other women out there who are struggling and who need that tribe and community of sisters to lock arms with and do this together! Let no (wo)man be left on an island join my virtual fit camp. If this resonates with you or sparks some curiosity Lets chat!!! If you’re ready lets get you Enrolled TODAY!!


Plan A program: Start Date (ongoing)
🕓 25-35 Minute Pre&Post Natal Workouts
📈Beginner - Intermediate Simple yet effective and flexible meal plan perfect for yo-yo dieters, emotional eaters who want to release bad habits
🏋🏽‍♀️ Light - medium Weights 🎖Me as your Coach
👑MY Squad as your support 📍YOU CAN ONLY WIN📍


Plan B program: Start Date (ongoing)
🕓 30 Minute Total Body Workouts
📈Beginner - Intermediate Flexible and simple meal guides (using portion control containers) teaching you how to eat towards your goals w/o starvation & deprivation
🏋🏽‍♀️ Light - medium Weights 🎖Me as your Coach
👑MY Squad as your support 📍YOU CAN ONLY WIN📍

Best way to reach your results is to start from where you are.

xo Cathy 💛

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Writing New Chapters With the Help of a Winters Sun Rise

Every morning for years, I’ve I looked out this same window. I am a dreamer if you haven’t already noticed. I’d dream, I’d wonder, hope for more, sometimes I’d smile finish my thoughts and then go and start my day.

I can’t remember when I started looking out my old bedroom window but I do remember that I more often than not I really disliked what I saw for years. I judged everything. All I saw was the bad, the negative, the things that I didn’t like it reminded me of decisions that Ive made in the past that may have led me to where I found myself unhappy, left in discontent and wavering faith. It was really a reflection of where I was mentally and emotionally. 

It wasn’t until I really started to the work on me physically with my daily workouts, heightening my spiritual awareness. Getting to know ME and most importantly the Most High in a more intimate way. Going above and beyond with doing personal development which every business professional, wellness coach, human being should be incorporating into their daily practice. I started waking up earlier in the morning before the sun would rise and would watch the sky move. This was every morning after my prayer/meditation/ devotions. I’d watch the sun peek through the skies. And noticed how the sun brightened up my view. What changed? A different mindset. A different outlook. It was the same view. I chose to adjust my focus. It was mind blowing. Same view, same window, same place I called home. All along all I had to do was change what I chose to see. One of my prayers I asked was Lord I just want a home with a beautiful view. I’ve always had a view just needed a new set of eyes to view it with. To view things more through my soul.


With tears of joy I walked through our condo for the last time (alone) that we called home for years the sun once again came to shine on me. I felt a wave of emotions because in this very room I prayed, fasted, cried, created, nursed, made love and everything in between. My goodness I’m so blessed I thought. Blessed beyond belief.

Next chapter is about to be SO DOPE. On to new levels. Don’t be afraid to be great y’all! You deserve it!!! 

2018 has been A BEAST. 

Which created a BEAST of BELIEVERS!

2019 you ready? cause the BENJAMINS are!