Posts tagged Mental Health
Starting Over
Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”
~Meister Eckhart

Good Morning Beautiful People!! Happy Tuesday <3

Ever feel like you’re trying to put pieces together and not necessarily to create the masterpiece of your life but just to find some type of rhythm, balance, happiness and of course incorporate a healthier lifestyle? I have to say today I started over on my nutrition and workout program because last week was just a really tough week for me with me being sick majority of the week and unable to work out this week I just feel like I could just bring in a whole new, rejuvenated me.

Cheers to anyone here choosing to start over! I’m right there with you sister!! I’m here to remind you that we’re just building stronger foundations when doing so. There is no shame in seeing that you need to change the course, make a BOLDER commitment (to YOU), and this time maybe ditch those inconsistencies, regret, grief that the past decisions bring.

Something I’ve been reminded of and it keeps coming up is that “you are entirely up to you.” Your results, meeting your goals, your attitude towards well everything is TOTALLY up to you. This switches gears a bit for me and my clients when I remind them your win is entirely up to you staying in the game!!! Can’t stay in the game if you prefer watching on the sidelines and cheering on everyone else’s victory!

So I invite YOU to join me today or whenever you’re hear reading this. If you feel like you need to start over with your health and wellness, your fitness journey join me. This invite is for ALL women of ALL walks of life, moms, expecting moms all are welcome let’s do this together because I know that there’s some other women out there who are struggling and who need that tribe and community of sisters to lock arms with and do this together! Let no (wo)man be left on an island join my virtual fit camp. If this resonates with you or sparks some curiosity Lets chat!!! If you’re ready lets get you Enrolled TODAY!!


Plan A program: Start Date (ongoing)
🕓 25-35 Minute Pre&Post Natal Workouts
📈Beginner - Intermediate Simple yet effective and flexible meal plan perfect for yo-yo dieters, emotional eaters who want to release bad habits
🏋🏽‍♀️ Light - medium Weights 🎖Me as your Coach
👑MY Squad as your support 📍YOU CAN ONLY WIN📍


Plan B program: Start Date (ongoing)
🕓 30 Minute Total Body Workouts
📈Beginner - Intermediate Flexible and simple meal guides (using portion control containers) teaching you how to eat towards your goals w/o starvation & deprivation
🏋🏽‍♀️ Light - medium Weights 🎖Me as your Coach
👑MY Squad as your support 📍YOU CAN ONLY WIN📍

Best way to reach your results is to start from where you are.

xo Cathy 💛

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Writing New Chapters With the Help of a Winters Sun Rise

Every morning for years, I’ve I looked out this same window. I am a dreamer if you haven’t already noticed. I’d dream, I’d wonder, hope for more, sometimes I’d smile finish my thoughts and then go and start my day.

I can’t remember when I started looking out my old bedroom window but I do remember that I more often than not I really disliked what I saw for years. I judged everything. All I saw was the bad, the negative, the things that I didn’t like it reminded me of decisions that Ive made in the past that may have led me to where I found myself unhappy, left in discontent and wavering faith. It was really a reflection of where I was mentally and emotionally. 

It wasn’t until I really started to the work on me physically with my daily workouts, heightening my spiritual awareness. Getting to know ME and most importantly the Most High in a more intimate way. Going above and beyond with doing personal development which every business professional, wellness coach, human being should be incorporating into their daily practice. I started waking up earlier in the morning before the sun would rise and would watch the sky move. This was every morning after my prayer/meditation/ devotions. I’d watch the sun peek through the skies. And noticed how the sun brightened up my view. What changed? A different mindset. A different outlook. It was the same view. I chose to adjust my focus. It was mind blowing. Same view, same window, same place I called home. All along all I had to do was change what I chose to see. One of my prayers I asked was Lord I just want a home with a beautiful view. I’ve always had a view just needed a new set of eyes to view it with. To view things more through my soul.


With tears of joy I walked through our condo for the last time (alone) that we called home for years the sun once again came to shine on me. I felt a wave of emotions because in this very room I prayed, fasted, cried, created, nursed, made love and everything in between. My goodness I’m so blessed I thought. Blessed beyond belief.

Next chapter is about to be SO DOPE. On to new levels. Don’t be afraid to be great y’all! You deserve it!!! 

2018 has been A BEAST. 

Which created a BEAST of BELIEVERS!

2019 you ready? cause the BENJAMINS are!

T is for Transformation -- A Glimpse into ShaunT’s new Workout Program

What you really want to know about this new program?

  • 6 week guided program

  • 6 days a week

  • modified moves are included

  • its 20 mins long!!! YUP THATS IT!!!

  • If you love step aerobics?! This is right up your alley

  • Step can be purchased through Beachbody w/ launch of program or use your own

  • No Step no problem!

Transform:20 is perfect for you, if you…

  • Want to get Toned & get defined muscles

  • Want a great sweat

  • love step aerobics / cardio

  • low on time

  • wants a no excuse workout

  • no weights no problem

  • need a total body workout

Want to start your journey and get ready for this launch...or just get in the best shape of your life?

Don’t wait until January to get started. Click the links below for  some of my favorite workouts to get you READY for this launch in January!! We’re throwing the whole idea of New Year Resolutions away and starting right where you are!


Shift Shop (on sale now)

80 Day Obsession

Focus T25

Mes de Más habla español?


Insanity Max:30


Happy Thursday Beautiful People,

This past June, while on one of my companies annual business trips called Coach Summit, I sat in the audience at the Lucas Oil Stadium amongst over 20,000+ health & fitness coaches and CEOs in Indinapolis, right beside my husband. All of a sudden the screen cuts to the 20th Anniversary where CEO of Beachbody, Carl Diakeler begins to announce saying this man needs no introduction then goes off to this reel about some new and exciting news and the crowd goes WILD.

Just when there were rumors that ShaunT was doing his own thing and leaving Beachbody. ShaunT’s coming out with a New Workout Program!!! I listened to ShaunT speak about the development of this new 20 min workout and his excitement was through the roof, the room was roaring everyone cheering. I immediately said to myself OMG I can’t wait to do this workout. Than followed that up with I want to be part of the cast. Yup that’s definitely a goal of mine to see myself on the screen empowering and inspiring people to move their bodies and get out of their heads and transform on all levels.

I might have told anyone who brought up this new news over the course of this weekend. Every time someone said something about this new release, I told them I can’t wait for it I want to be apart of the cast. Then talks of Test Groups came up…

We’ll as we enter October I have to say September was so good! So many new and exciting things happened. And out of over 400,000 Beachbody coaches, from the US, UK & Canada your girl has been selected to be one of the coaches of this Pilot Test Group. What is a Pilot Test Group you say? The good people at corporate chose some bad azz coaches if I say so myself and give you LIVE access to the workouts while still filming and say here we want to see if this is going to work for your clients, challengers and people all over the world lol.


I get to finally share that I’ve been selected as part of the Pilot Test Group for the NEW ShaunT workout that doesn’t launch until JANUARY 2019! Talk about ending the 4th quarter of 2018 on a high note!! That’s right you can’t find it anywhere until it launches. 
Friends can I just say that I’m over the moon with excitement! I’m just happy to be here! 

Your virtual soul sista & mood shifter is so geeked out... I wasn’t sure when I was going to be able to share since I’ve been literally sworn to secrecy lol 🤐 I’ll be sharing weekly what I can about my experience. Cause it’s MAJOR.


Keep me lifted! I represent YOU! I’m gonna go hard for us.

Feel free to fill out my form below about more info about my accountability & support group Better! Not Perfect Project helping you get toward the best version of YOU!

Cheers to a Transformed Mindset, a Transformed Body and a Transformed Life.



Fear Can Catapult a Leap of Faith
I’m not afraid to say. I ALMOST talked myself out of it. But I suddenly realized that was a lie...a test rather. It was a voice that was so foreign to the person I am becoming that I shut it down with the quickness and proceeded. 

You see fear CAN still catapult the leap of faith.
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Earlier today I was asked how did I find the courage? Actually I’ve been asked this a number of times since my decision was made a reality in March to became my own boss and coach and mentor women on their wellness journey. To leave Corporate America then teach clients who work in executive/corporate positions how to find that work life balance.

What people don’t know is that for almost 8yrs I too couldn’t find that courage. 

I STRUGGLED with the idea of letting go.

Cried nearly every time I dropped off my kids to school because yet again I was leaving my dreams behind in a journal and having a notebook full of ideas, goals, affirmations and request books and not truly working towards them.

Faith without works is dead. In James 2:22 it says “You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.”

I was wishing and hoping on a miracle and not really working in alignment with my faith and towards my assignment or life’s work. I had to put my faith to the test. I HAD to. But it was not easy. 

I’m not afraid to say it’s still not easy some days I have not come to grips with my decision because I rely on..well me for a paycheck. While there is a beautiful FREEDOM to it I’m put to the test every single day. Growth and rejection is painful and sometimes the people who need your help most reject you and you have to learn to let them hit rock bottom no matter how much you want to help them avoid that.

Luckily each day I find a word to keep me encouraged and my Fit Fam and my mentors and circle of sisters some of which I’ve gained while on this journey. Blessed as I am I keep people in my circle who are constantly challenging me and who I can bounce ideas off of but still I have to do the work.

I’m not afraid to say. I ALMOST talked myself out of it. But I suddenly realized that was a lie...a test rather. It was a voice that was so foreign to the person I am becoming that I shut it down with the quickness and proceeded. 

You see fear CAN still catapult the leap of faith.

While for so many years like myself it held onto my dreams I realized I was not that person anymore and that while the mind chatter crept up it had no strength over me and my faith in God and my faith in ME.

This is not even about being scared of quitting a job or about leaving a position or situation it is a story about starting over and how stifling that can feel.

I put every excuse in front of each dreams and goal like chess. There was always a great excuse or reason why this time wasn’t the right time. To think of it when I finally made the decision I could think of over a handful of times when there was a better time. Funny how that works.

But it was time. When it’s time you know. You ALREADY know.

On my last day of that chapter, I had so many talks with people who either asked the question when did you know OR I too had a dream to go into ______ add your dream here.

We all have dreams. We all have deterrents. We all have pros and cons and hurdles and obstacles but how long can we fight our true assignments or sit wondering what our calling or passions are if you don’t just take the chance.

This is MY story, what’s yours? Do you have a decision that you’ve been struggling with? What’s stopping you? What’s holding you back? What have you already overcome? When did you come to the realization that there has to be more than just....?