Every morning for years, I’ve I looked out this same window. I am a dreamer if you haven’t already noticed. I’d dream, I’d wonder, hope for more, sometimes I’d smile finish my thoughts and then go and start my day.
I can’t remember when I started looking out my old bedroom window but I do remember that I more often than not I really disliked what I saw for years. I judged everything. All I saw was the bad, the negative, the things that I didn’t like it reminded me of decisions that Ive made in the past that may have led me to where I found myself unhappy, left in discontent and wavering faith. It was really a reflection of where I was mentally and emotionally.
It wasn’t until I really started to the work on me physically with my daily workouts, heightening my spiritual awareness. Getting to know ME and most importantly the Most High in a more intimate way. Going above and beyond with doing personal development which every business professional, wellness coach, human being should be incorporating into their daily practice. I started waking up earlier in the morning before the sun would rise and would watch the sky move. This was every morning after my prayer/meditation/ devotions. I’d watch the sun peek through the skies. And noticed how the sun brightened up my view. What changed? A different mindset. A different outlook. It was the same view. I chose to adjust my focus. It was mind blowing. Same view, same window, same place I called home. All along all I had to do was change what I chose to see. One of my prayers I asked was Lord I just want a home with a beautiful view. I’ve always had a view just needed a new set of eyes to view it with. To view things more through my soul.
With tears of joy I walked through our condo for the last time (alone) that we called home for years the sun once again came to shine on me. I felt a wave of emotions because in this very room I prayed, fasted, cried, created, nursed, made love and everything in between. My goodness I’m so blessed I thought. Blessed beyond belief.
Next chapter is about to be SO DOPE. On to new levels. Don’t be afraid to be great y’all! You deserve it!!!
2018 has been A BEAST.
Which created a BEAST of BELIEVERS!
2019 you ready? cause the BENJAMINS are!