Posts tagged EmpoweredbyCathy
Sage & Smudge Sticks - How, When & Why You Should Start
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Greetings Empowered Ones,

Energy is everything.

Some may know that everything that I use as a tool, I share. Sharing tools to rid the blocks and negative energies are vital.

I made some smudge sticks in the spring of 2019, while pregnant with Baby Moon, I got as far as taking pretty pictures of them but never shared them with a soul. My husband and I ended up smudging our home with it.

Clearing energy is everything. Specifically when it’s off, stagnant, and negative.
Smudging is something I remember ever since I was younger. During ceremonies, rituals, New Year blessing of our home. It is something I have added to my own prayer and meditation practice.

2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year. A year whereas a collective there is a certain unveiling happening. Many are seeking. There have been so many waves of emotions this year. I normally smudge my home or space whenever I feel the energy is low. When there is a feeling of anxiety, sadness, low vibration, I sage. I smudge myself, my home, my workspace, even my phone.

About a month ago creating smudge sticks came up again and I’m being obedient and offering them. These sage or smudge sticks are all handmade by me and made with so much love and good vibes. 

First, some may be wondering, so here are some answers to FAQs

What is smudging? What is sage used for?

This is not a trend. I repeat this is not a trend. It is an ancient spiritual ritual. Sage or smudging is used for multiple purposes. It’s great for expelling negative energies. It is powerful with intention setting and prayer. It is derived from our Native Indigenous brothers and sisters as it is used for ceremonies, medicinal purposes, and rituals. These are mother nature’s herbs and medicines so they have medicinal properties when used properly. 

What is the difference between Sage and Palo Santo? 

Smudging with a Sage removes ALL energy. Palo Santo is also known as “holy wood” bringing good energy back into spaces.  When used together it is a powerful tool. 

When do I smudge? 

Moving into your new home/space. 

Before leaving your home.

When feeling drained especially after having company. 

At the start of each day. 

Whenever you feel stagnant energy or feeling down. 

How do I Smudge Space / Home? 

First, open windows to let out unwanted energy. Start by smudging yourself always. Starting with your crown (top of your heart) to your feet. Then smudge each room, each corner of your living space/home/office. Prayers are sent to you with each purchase to guide you if you are unsure of what to say. 

How to use:
Burn your Sage stick and let the smoke permeate and cleanse. Waft the sage smoke with the feather so that the smoke cleanses the entire room. Once done, snuff out the fire against an abalone shell, store away in the included pouch and save for later use.

Burning Instructions: Light the wand from the top end and place the burning wand on a safe surface.

Set Your Intention:
While you are saging your home/space, make sure that you have a focused intention in mind. These smudge sticks come complete with a few prayers for guidance in case you don’t know what to say while smudging your space. You can use these prayers or say your own.

*Always make sure that your smudge stick is completely out when done blessing / saging your space.

Some benefits of smudging include but not limited to: 

  • Clearing negative energy

  • Improving mood

  • Natures antidepressant

  • Cleaning air

  • Cleansing space, objects, and self.

  • Improved sleep.

The types of sage wands I’ll be offering are white sage, white sage + rosemary, flower white sage, black sage, black sage + rosemary.

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White Sage

White Sage is a very powerful tool for clearing negative energy. White sage is known for its antibacterial properties as well as one of the highest quality and one of the most commonly used. It is associated with purity and has a strong and heavy presence. It's definitely useful for when you need a major space cleansing.


Rosemary helps strengthen the memory and help the brain. It promotes confidence and invigorates the mind. Can be used for many purposes, including healing, energy cleansing, removing negative energy, and ritual ceremonies. It's common to smudge rosemary for increased energy and clarity of mind. Rosemary is the elephant of herbs. It never forgets. Rosemary will give your home an uplifting scent.

Flower + White Sage 

The Flower Sage Smudge stick is one of my favorites. The roses add a touch of beauty and give it a beautiful aroma when burning. This includes white sage wrapped in roses or customized with your favorite flowers. 

Black Sage

Black Sage is used to encourage dreams and visions. Also great for increasing positive energy in your home. Black Sage is an herb of introspection and inner healing. Great to be burned before bedtime, as it aids in restful sleep and pleasant dreams. Black Sage is used for, shamanic journeying, and for protection during such excursions.

If this moves you to get your own sage visit my shop for some handmade good vibe bundles for you and your high vibes.

Wholly & Healed

Sciatica Pain Relief Stretches

I know many of you have heard me talk about me delaying my postpartum workout journey and it was partly due to suffering with sciatica nerve pain. Some days were unbearable sitting in one position for over an hr nursing Baby Moon 🌙. I was advised not to carry Baby Moon 🌙 in her car seat, limit carrying her all together when it got really bad, no standing for long periods of times and surely no sitting for extended period of times either.  Nursing Baby Moon 🌙 while sitting on my bed with my legs straight caused my right hip to be pushed out more than my left hip causing misalignment onto my sciatic nerve. 

Luckily I didn’t have shooting pain down my leg like some have experienced. But it started out with numbness in my leg. Than pain in my lower back so much so I wobbled or could barely walk. It was sort of embarrassing wobbling nearly 2mo after giving birth.

Today I’m sharing some things that gave me much relief. Along with going to my amazing chiropractors 1-2times weekly.  *before doing these stretches make sure you’ve heated or iced the area for 10-15mins* yup icing sounds insane but feels so good afterwards once the initial cold feeling let’s up. 

Once I started feeling better I started slow and did yoga for 3weeks which I shared and since I’ve been lifting, jumping, doing cardio now more than ever these stretches are necessary so I maintain mobility and don’t hurt myself in the process. 

  1. Sciatic Nerve Glide 

  2. Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

  3. Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch with Bilateral Reach

  4. Kneeling Lunge Stretch

  5. Hip Flexor Stretch on elbows (moderate) 

  6. Hip Flexor Stretch with Arms Straight or cobra stretch (more advanced) Place a towel roll under thigh, just above your knees. *Place a towel roll under thigh, just above your knees.

  7. Childs Pose 

  8. Cat Cow Pose / Quadruped Hip Flexion Stretch

  9. Figure 4 stretch or Piriformis Stretch - my favorite stretch 

Hope this helps. Sciatica pain is nothing to take lightly, I’m not a doctor just sharing my journey. *Please contact your dr for clearance* 

Its Been a Day -- But its all Worth it

Honestly I thought the first video I’d post of my daughter Journee would be one of immaculate lighting so you can see how intricately laid her edges are and how gorgeous her light and spirit is but I just catch these moments whenever they happen. Unrehearsed most times I’m in another room and hear her and see she’s with her baby sister. Or her baby as she calls her.  

All I can do is thank God. That’s all I can do. I was attempting to clean up the house. Folding laundry (still not done) Answering business emails. Been in my workout clothes hoped to get a workout in..hasn’t happened yet. Repotting my plants (cause that brings me joy even though I don’t know what I’m doing) and Aria☀️ was having a fit just crying. Journee literally walked through the door, changed her clothes (cause we don’t do the outside clothes business in this house 😂)  and picks her up and just sings her to soothe and calm her.  I was wiping down the counters and grabbed my phone to capture this. It was too good.  Blessed beyond belief. Blessed beyond these mom tears. 

Having a teenager is TOUGH. Being a mom period isn’t easy.  I want her to be her FULL self as a black Goddess in this sometimes cruel world.  To give her space to be herself and to speak up and often because again this world may only always want to hear what she has to say. Sometimes as a mom/ bonus mom I feel like I can never get it right. I chose to work from home almost two years ago cause I wanted to be more PRESENT.  I wanted to do a new thing as God was (is) working a new thing in me daily.  Not that I wasn’t present working in corporate America but those stresses were messing with my mental health. I wanted to be able to be accessible at a drop of a dime. Make every game, practice, awards dinner, midday event be home at a decent time and before we did it all over again the next day all the things I missed or had to go through hoops just to get time off to be there for my kids. Feeling like I had to choose.  

It was a hard decision to go from two solid incomes to 1 and new entrepreneur sometimes winging it, sometimes winning, sometimes over it!  I had to believe in myself and my reason why. You’re looking at two of my reasons before you!  

Sometimes people just don’t want to believe in themselves. They’re okay with not being ok because they’re so use to it or it’s all they know. It’s what they saw their momma do or the father or aunties and I didn’t want that for my kids or myself.  I want my kids to know working hard looks different for everyone. To make hard choices and take risks to never live a life with regrets. 

Everyday I wake up and thank God for a new day, ask for clarity, strength, courage and willingness to show up. To be a beckon of light. To be a word, confirmation, inspiration, motivation. 

An example not to settle, not to give up, to be a reflection of what by faith looks like. 

Affirming Motherhood - New Moms Affirmations Pt1

It may hurt 

There will be much discomfort 

I will move slower than usual 

I will heal

I am healing while it hurts 

I will feel unsure 

I will feel overwhelmed 

I will feel the feels of what was I thinking, how am I going to do this 

I am a good mom

Even when I feel frustrated 

I am just going through all the feelings of being a new mom and this new life

I am starting new 

Sometimes starting new or all over feels like the hardest time

But in a short time I will feel empowered

I will feel better 

I will feel stronger 

Each day that goes by 

I will feel like I have it together 

I will have it together 

I am not done

I am not finished 

I will ask for help when I need it 

I will need help and that’s okay 

I am not in this alone 

I am not burdening anyone 

If people aren’t offering it’s so hard to ask. If people aren’t checking in it’s so hard to reach out because you feel so isolated. Your body is still healing. You’re going through all the emotions, every inch of you is realigning to your new life, new normal, you might not be eating right or getting any sleep. 

Not all of us have a support system. I’m so thankful for my circle of mommas who checked in and shared resources with me.  That’s what community and sisterhood is all about and I felt it so much so when I needed it the most. The ones who dove into my inbox when u posted sos messages about how I was feeling like I was failing at breastfeeding. The momma who came to my house to assist with the latching of Baby Moon🌙 I’m forever grateful. The momma who gifted me lactation cookies simply because she saw a post of mine and noticed we lived near each other. The moms who dropped off food, my village who dropped off smoothies for me to make sure I was eating and fueling myself. My tribe who sent me / dropped off care packages. 

I wrote these affirmations because I needed it in October while Baby Moon 🌙 was about 5weeks old. I hope someone receives this message and it gives them a sense of hope and affirms them. ✨💛✨
