Did you know that it hurts us more in the long run to hold onto things that no longer serve you? Whether it be a job path and ignoring that calling or staying in a relationship, situation-ship (not judging).
While going through the motions we may not see the greater good of letting go. Because we think this situation is what validates us or we’ll be missing out in some way should be let go. Or or afraid of what the future holds for you if your comfort level was rocked a bit. If your comfort although painful and draining would no longer be there. Some times the things, people or situations that hurt us the most we seek out because pain is all we know. It is familiar, so the hurt off holding on is subdued. For there must be an explanation for it right? Wrong you don't have to keep on asking WHY, or WHY ME and stay because its comfortable or because this is what you've always known.
There is always life after you let go. More often than not there is MORE LIFE when you let go of the things, people or circumstances that no longer fuel you positively or help you heal or grow. More opportunities, more freedom more room for clarity and finding what sets your soul on fire that's what you're letting go for.
Some of us are fighting to hold onto things or situations where if we’d just let go or loosen the grip even we’d see that this is something that has not been holding us down in but holding us under.
Let go sis.
Once you choose, there is a domino effect, a pull or attraction that begins to happen from that choice or set of choices made.
Sometimes you have to ask yourself how much happiness do I think I deserve? What can I do to get there? You can pick up habits like second hand smoke only it isn’t second hand smoke we think it is because of we may think we picked up these habits and are products of our environment. We’ve been bred to believe this which is equally as cancerous like negativity, sadness, thoughts of lack. We think, “this is my life so I’ll live it the way it is". I’ll complain, make excuses, make my excuses my story because they are really good at validating why I am negative, complain and feel stuck.
I gave myself permission to seek positivity, to seek change. I craved being a happier and an overall healthier person so I decided to spend more time with people who reflected that. I know that energy flows where energy goes and I was determined!
I’m in Indianapolis with someone who is my closest friend and also my life partner. He just got a new job a month ago after being given the option of being demoted after over 10yrs of service, while we already planned, prayed for and decided I would leave my corporate position and go full time with my passion of helping people live life full out. This is us canceling fear. While we were in Mexico reaping some fruits of our hard work he was waiting on a call about this new position he got the call not for what he wanted but my husband is a man of God so he trusted (not settled) TRUSTED.
I probably shouldn’t be here. Things have been tight we are selling our condo...again after our first buyers back out of the sale, we have 4 children collectively with 1 in college and another going into her senior year.
I probably shouldn’t be here! I probably shouldn’t be empowered. I probably shouldn’t be smiling and still feeling amazing. I probably shouldn’t have the energy I do to check in with my Fit Fam to extend a hand and recognize the people who are living healthier fulfilling lives. We made a promise that we’d both ride in the passenger seat and be guided and trust the process.
I share this because many people think you can ONLY be happy when everything is going great. We’re happy because everything has already been written. The path to get there may not always seem like rays of sunshine but that’s okay because we need the rain to continue blooming.
"I gave myself permission to seek positivity, to seek change. I craved being a happier and an overall healthier person so I decided to spend more time with people who reflected that."
If you’re anything like me Lovers you’ve FOUGHT, SACRIFICED, PRAYED, FASTED, CRIED, nearly lost it all to become who you are...yet still becoming.
Recently I was reminded that there are people who will want to see to it that you are not happier than them.
They will have it no other way in their minds for you to be the same person they remember over a decade ago, simply because they are the same person.
Can I just be very frank! That is not your business.
If you’re anything like me Lovers you’ve FOUGHT, SACRIFICED, PRAYED, FASTED, CRIED, nearly lost it all to become who you are...yet still becoming. You like myself, probably almost gave up along the way. What good would it do for you to be placed in a box you no longer fit in and was never really designed for a BEAST or a QUEEN like you?
That’s not to say you are better or they are worse off it just means you have sought growth. You turned your breakdown into a breakthrough!!! You deserve everything you have and more. And that’s not even to say you have all you are destined for. Cause you’re still being broken and molded. You have welcomed and opened up to the possibility. You have not and WILL NOT succumb to life’s setbacks and will continue to LIVE.
Send up a prayer, after you have a good chuckle of the things you thought you wanted and God said no to and planted you right where you needed to be.
Send up a prayer for waking up and being mindful that who you are and who you are destined to be are the same being but just evolving.
Thank You God for growth.
Give thanks to the divine for becoming.
All praises to happiness + joy + love + abundance and living light.
Grateful for peace of mind.
YES YES to good energy, positive vibes and staying aligned with my purpose.
I was reminded who I am. I love who I am and who I am becoming together we are a force.
“Stay grounded and surround yourself with things that nurture you and the things that fuel you and watch you grow beautifully. ”
During my workout, while listening to personal development, I heard Lisa Nichols, say ..."plants don't live without water"... this is one of those obvious and profound statements that which on one hand made me think how I normally joke about not having a green thumb, and killing every plant I’ve ever owned or have been gifted in the past, to how this can also relate to that of one health journey.
I always start off great I water it when needed, talk to it, nurture it then for some odd reason stop being so attentive towards it. I'd gradually stop caring for it. A few days would go by and I’d get alarmed by the plants browning then try to research what to do to bring it back to life.
I’ve done this with majority of my house plants. Then I'd go back to watering it, placing it near sunlight pretty much starting all over. How many of us can translate this to our relationships with ourselves to that on again off again loving / caring relationship with plants and also to the relationships to those in our lives. I thought about some of my tribe and fit family who may struggle with their health and wellness.
Just like plants don’t grow without watering and being tended to, we as individuals don’t grow if we don’t do the necessary things to keep ourselves in good or optimal health. Whether its physical or mental health. You can’t just water your plants once a week, never put it in sunlight, never prune it and expect it to bloom beautifully. Or do the things necessary for that particular plant or flower to flourish. Same goes with your health. With your fitness. Working out once a week won’t make you fit, neither will eating healthy once a week. And the rest of the week neglecting your goals. Daily, you’ll have to keep tweaking, keep challenging yourself and keeping your mindset in a positive state (as much as possible) in order to grow healthier. Just like a plant, ground yourself in the things that nurture you, the things that fuel you and watch you grow beautifully.